33 Ways to Work with Your Dreams: A Beginner's Guide to Dream Work

This little masterpiece is the perfect quick-reference book for dreamers. It is a small, but mighty source for ways to unlock the meaning of your dreams. No, it is not a dream dictionary— it is better than that.

I condensed more than a decade of dream study into this very accessible idea book. In 33 Ways to Work with your Dreams, you get a description of each strategy and some examples of how they work. That’s it! No chapters to read, no extravagant explaining, just the idea itself— so that you can use your time actually trying out the strategy on your dreams.

Recent feedback from readers:

“Hi Pam, your book is awesome. I have order 3 more after reading it and plan to give them out as gifts.”

“Read your book last night. LOVED IT! Looking forward to the next one.”

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