The Perfect Pam Purse!

I had very low expectations for the purse when I ordered it. Full disclosure, they sent it to me as a free sample conditionally that I would share my tiktok review of it. I agreed because handbags (well, all bags really) are my weakness. I have the biggest collection of clutches, purses, backpacks, wallets and little makeup bags you’ve ever seen. I am obsessed with all bags!

So, I am a connoisseur of sorts. BUT, I have no taste (lol), meaning I am not brand loyal nor do I pay more than $40 for any of them.

Anyway, they said hey do you want this bag in exchange for a one-time video and then maybe some commission if anybody opts to purchase it via your product post? And I said, “Um, yes please!”

But I wasn’t expecting much. I expected a knock off, poorly made handbag that I might or might not ever use.

THIS bag, however, quickly replaced my daily purse and I’ve never gone back. It is very well-made, super cute, holds a TON of stuff in it while still remaining slim looking, and- and this one is the real kicker- it doesn’t slide off my shoulder when I wear it on one arm.

I have wide hips and every single purse I have had in the past, must be worn crossbody so it doesn’t slide off my shoulder. But this one has allowed me to feel secure wearing it on one side (left or right, performs the same) without sliding off!

I was not expecting to love it so much but I truly do. So much that I figured I’d start a new section of this Pam’s Picks blog just for fashion. And if you know me, you know that I don’t really do fashion. I just do thrift and whatever looks good to me on any given day.


The Poetry of Chelan Harkin